What can I say about this service. I have a headache.
I bought this receiver in Delhi and got my service activated as soon as I received it. When I brought it to Mumbai to install it in my house and called the Worldspace people to install it, I was told that a technician would come and install it. That was the begining of my headaches.
Firstly the technicians to do installation would never come on time. They always called up to go to the wrong address in spite of telling their customer care, their technical people called Tricom and everyone and their brother that I want it installed in another address.
The first technician arrived. He came without a sextant or a drill (in case Yagi needed to be installed outside my window). Note that I am a telecom engineer and do this for a living. The whole of south east direction is open from my window and hence the line of sight is perfectly clear. This technician was not carrying any handheld receiver and needed my receiver to do the tuning. He could not get any signal from patch antenna or the Yagi. Of course, even if it came from the Yagi he would not be able to mount it since he did not bring the drill.
The second tecnician gives me a time but never arrives.
The third technician comes with a handheld receiver, a drill and a Yagi antenna. But he arrives 1 hour late and guess what is missing this time - compass. It gives me a headache to think that somebody would come to install a satellite receiver without a compass. How unprofessional is that? He keeps insisting that he needs to go to the roof. When I ask him what is obstructing his line of sight he has absolutely no answer because has no idea where south-east is.
All in all to do a satellite receiver installation in 5 min you need 3 things.
A sextant to show you the tilt of the antenna.
A compass showing true north to give you the direction (preferrably digital).
A decent set of tools to mount an antenna.
None of these guys were carrying these and these guys are technicians coming to do the installation.
I heard Worldspace is making a loss. It does not surpirse me. Their installation procedure is unprofessional beyond description in common decent language.
Please stay away from this service as you are not going to get support. You are not going to get service. You are simply going to waste time.
Another technician has promised to visit me on a Sunday and I am hoping the installation can be completed. But I am not getting my hopes high yet.
Wonderful! Not only did the technician not turn up, nobody called me up to say they are not keeping the appointment. I think I will stick to my television and my iPOD for music variety.