Hiii, this is my review about worldfree4u.lol . This website is supposed to provide free movie download but there are lot of worst thing about it. I will tell it here.
First thing I think the website has a bad server so many people face problems while going to the website and see a banner showing you dont have permission to enter into the website.
Major problem is the ads that appear while opening the site, goint to a link and in the download page there are 5, 6 download buttons. The ads are sometimes very bad and very bad for children who opens it. Very confusing site.
The download link it provides sometimes not work and the speed is almost ranging from 100-300 Kb in 4g also, not more that this. So it will take 1-2 hour to download a movie.
Although it provide the movies in the same day of release so the content is good. But above problem are rampant.
As I said the ads paper on the side may be unsuitable for Juvenal. So it is not user-friendly. Some times many tabs open in the.
Site opens in a second. But sometimes I face the above listed reason that saying you havent the permission to access the site.
There are a lot of site which provides full movie with great Downliad speed. You can try those, not this.
Thank you.