Worldfree4u is a great site, which provides you to download many movies in different languages, like hindi, english, punjabi, and also dual language, dubbed movies. Picture quality and sound quality of movies is so good.
This site provides you movies in 300 to 900 mb. Even the quality of 300 mb movies is good. The other great factor is that this site along with movie also provides its screen shots, rating and preview, so you can check whether the movie is good or not before downloading.
And you can also leave comment here, about movie. There is also search bar , from which you can search for movies. This site provides not only movies but also computer games. There are various links of each movie or game here, you can also download them in parts from various links.mostly working links are direct, indishare, upit, upload. So finally this is a great site, which can give you great movies.