Hi Friends,
I was recommended by one of my friend to use it for my obesity and hair loss problem. she asked me to use this for a month and see the results of it. I have bought the same and started using it. I used to drink 1 glass of water with 1 spoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before going to bed. Initially, I had stomach upset, but after regular use, its gone.
After a month I have reduced my weight, less hair fall, and no more digestion problems controlled my Blood Pressure. Since then my in-laws and husband also started using it. It has apple flavor with honey mix it tastes better. The packaging of the product is also good with clear instruction of use.
It has other benefits like
It whitens our teeth
It is a good facial toner
It is very effective for pimples or infected areas
Can be used on sunburn areas
Immune system increases
Can be used on our hair for dandruff and makes our hair silky and soft.