Its a brand which I always luvs to wear, hard denim wic wic is unique in its style.wrangler is giving tough competition to levis and lee in my opinion.Wrangler tag line is "save electricity"wic suits it. Even john abhram luves to wear it.hero from wrangler is quite gud if u r luking for lower range then its d best .Its a versatile form of wear and is real value for money.
I hv a pair of jeans of wrangler its comfort level is quite bt only bad thing of wrangler is that I dint notice any attractive festive offers from wrangler if it is compared to levis, lee, spykar etc So they mst hv to take care of it. if u r looking for raw denim than just go 4 w r a n g l e r .its d best denim in its range " r u g g e d d e n I m ". . . . . .