WWF was started in 1960’s by Vince MacMahon Sr. At first it was called the WWWF (WorldWide Wrestling Federation) & was later changed into WWF (when Vince Jr joined the company). WWF as we all know is an entertainment sport. Here, whatever we see, whatever we hear & whatever we feel is fabricated but at the same time, very entertaining & extremely amusing (At times).
At first, like in any other game/Sport, even WWF was centered around few superstars like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Andre the Giant & Kamala. But soon the focus shifted to younger generation of wrestlers like Hitman, Shawn Michael, Undertaker & Lex Luger. Shawn Michael & Hitman completely changed the traditional meaning of wrestling with their innovative approach. Soon there was story & drama involved in this form of wrestling & soon people started watching wrestling with more interest & curiosity.
Ok, tell me what is the basic theme behind WWF……….. The good guy fight the bad guy, plain and simple…..Big Deal.Even our Sunny bhai(deol) fights with the bad guys & act as well as any other wrestler.So, whats the big fuss about Rock, Austin & other super stars………God knows.Well, they are regarded by some as the best athletes & the finest entertainers in the world.Who can blame them.Rock & Austin can attract more crowd than Sachin Tendulkar or Shane Warne anywhere in the world at any given time.
Ok, how many American children you suppose know anything about Sachin or Shane……..none I guess & how many Indians knows Rock or Austin………Millions.With the help of owner Vince McMahon, the WWF started marketing wrestling differently.It wasn’t being geared toward kids, but now to a more mature audience.In India & some other countries Wrestling was regarded as bad influence on children’s.But don’t you think blaming wrestling alone is wrong.I mean, even some cartoon(popeye is the best example) & some films are full of violence.Why target wrestling alone.
Sometimes I feel these wrestlers should be given Oscars for their brilliant acting performance on the ring.I mean, it took us 5 yrs to discover that wrestling is fake & all matches are made up.Though, ESPNSTAR sports stoped its telecasting in India some couple of years back it is again being aired by TEN SPORTS which is welcomed by many across the country.In 1998 WWF’s tv ratings in America was even higher than Basketball & NFL.Its merchandise are sold around the globe including India till today.
Wrestling is being promoted in US & other countries by prominent celebrities like Mike Tyson, Shaq O’neal, Arnold S(cant spell his last name)….., Ted Turner, Mohd Ali & the list goes on & on & on.Even some Hollywood film director are signing wrestlers like Rock & Hulk Hogan to act in their films.Because of the apprecialtion shown by people across the globe, Wrestling is so fast becoming a global sport.
Ring name Real name
Steve Austin Steve Williams Anderson
Big Show Paul Wight
Kane Glen Jacobs
The Rock Duane Glasteauor Johnson
The Undertaker Mark Calloway
Hunter Hearst Helmsley Paul Michael Levesque
Chris Jericho Christopher Irvine