It is hell of an entertaining game.i am a regular watcher of favourites are The Rock, Austine, Undertaker and Kane.Among girls trish is just steamy and rocking. Smackdown I like most.These guys are incredible.Reqal devils on earth and Mr.Mackmahan is the satan himself.i have never seen a more nasty man.he and his son forced the unconscious Shawn Mikels to kiss his _ the other day.his daughter also so ssss---yyyy and lethal in her plottings.The girls there seem to be unable to fight wearing proper clothes I mean they find it so uncomfortable fighting being wellclad.Anyway they think about us and thats why we think about them.But man the hazards are real .I know what it takes to take part in such a deadly battle.people may say this is all fake .everything seems to be preplanned but you cannot deny the impact of a kick from BIG SHOW.what I am trying to say is that its real and solid and these guys are a kind of sadhaks as thier skills cannot be acquired any other way than the hardest devotion.let me cut the crap short as I have to go and switch on my t.v. as my darling trish may be wating for me.I CANNOT MISS OUT ON THAT.