Sports are something that keeps people happy. I enjoy watching NFL Football more then I do Wrestling. Reason being is this:
When I was a kid and my brothers and father would watch WWF I thought those wrestlers were really hurting the other person. I couldnt believe they were able to do such harm to someone. Then I was told that most of the stuff you watch on WWF is fake. I was surprized because it sure did look real to me. I could actually feel the pain when someone would give a head lock or a body slam. I thought OUCH but now I understand that it wasnt real.
the WWF is a sport that is broadcasted all over the country and many women and men alike enjoy watching this form of sport. I guess you would have to say my favorite wrestler is THE ROCK. He is real cool and he usally wins his match.
I have two boys who are in high school right now and they have been wrestling since they were young. They enjoy this sport and who knows maybe someday they might want to join up professionally to the WWF.
I do go watch them wrestle and I have to say what they do on the mat is REAL. Its not fake, but then you have to realize that this is just high school wrestling and its not pay per view or the WWF where they are allowed to get on ropes and jump down on the person, or use objects to battle with. Professinal wrestling is way different then what you watch your child doing in school.
Some say that pro wrestling is too grose, and some say that watching it is stupid cause they are really not getting hurt and that they practice together and decided who will win the match before they even go out. I have to say to those people if you dont like it dont watch it.
Wrestling can be very exciting to watch and I would like to say who ever enjoys this sport then have fun watching it.