IF U SMELLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!!!is what I hear everyday by people of all ages.Everybody loves Wrestling & likes to pretend like their favorite wrestler but feels shy to show it to the world as they are afraid that people may think something -ve about them.Its wrong.Atleast they are not selling their country to make some quick money.Even the top American leaders like Bill Clinton & some actors like Arnold, Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey & sport icons like Shaq Oneal have appeared in the Wrestling shows for its promotion.Its ok if we watch cartoons like POPEY which is full of voilence but its wrong to watch Wrestling.Come out of it.The fact is, Wrestling is the sport of the new generation.We are leading a double standard life.We should not do this just bcoz we dont have any Sachin Tendulkar kicking someones bottom(a*s)in the game of Wrestling .