Wrestling is a common sport in today’s society. All it seems to be is a bunch of muscular men stomping, jumping, shoving, and pushing each other down. They pound on each others hearts, chest, legs, and stomachs like there is no tomorrow. No wonder some people have died from it. Your heart is not made to pound on. It does the pumping just enough to keep you alive. It doesn’t need a 300 lb. Man doing it too.
I think that this is a very dangerous sport. People get their boxer type shorts on and stand in a roped platform. They wrestle each other. People have died from this sport. They are just to violent and don’t seem to care who they hurt.
This is a horrible thing for young kids to watch. We don’t allow our son who is already hyper active to watch wrestling because I think that he will learn too many moves from them. He is very quick and observant. I don’t want him drop kicking someone if he gets mad. I think that its too violent for kids unless your child knows the difference between real and fake. For instance, My son who is 4 doesn’t understand that wrestlers are doing this for money. He thinks they are just up there fighting for the heck of it. So he seems to think that this is okay. But its NOT!
This sport has killed several children lately from trying moves at home. I think that parents should be cautious as to what age group watches wrestling. I never really got into this sport much. But its fine with me if others watch it. I am not going to discriminate. I have friends and family who watch, but I just chose not to.