I have never liked any of the Professional Wrestling, as people so like to call it, as it promotes violence that young children should not be seeing. Ive been places where 4 and 5 year olds would give me a 15 minute lecture about some wrestler or something that they saw on Smack Down or whatever. Professional Wrestling isnt even REAL wrestling. It is all fake and some children dont seem to know that and so theyre going to school with these wrestling moves they see on TV and using them on classmates.
Of course.... thats just on the professional wrestling..but if youre actually playing the SPORT Wrestling, I think children of all ages can play this sport. When you wrestle for your school, you know that you dont use all these fake moves that you see on Smack Down do ya? No, you use traditional wrestling moves like the cradle, take down, half-nelson, chicken wing, stack, headlock, and all the moves that make school or free style wrestling so much fun. When I wrestled in the Junior High a couple of years ago, there were kids coming to the first practice expecting something that theyve seen of Smack Down. You wouldnt have imagined how mad I was when he body slammed a wrestler in a lower weight class. Since I was the captain, I informed my coach, and then kicked him off the team and had him suspended. The whole fun part about school wrestling is the adrenaline rush you get when you win, or when you pin someone, or when youre down by 3 points and you need a reversal into some kind of lock to win the match. Its all adrenaline, but not Professional Wrestling, that needs to be kept on TV and not brought into my favorite sport.