Well, heres an odd topic for me to be writing about....
WCW(world championship wrestling), WWF(world wrestling federation), ..Wrestling, I sit and watch this with my boyfriend and we both laugh!
I know that wrestling is really a show put on television for entertainment purposes, BUT, I also know that wrestling is a very hard and well choreographed sport.
These guys you see, like Goldberg, The Rock, Sid Vicious, et al are truly in the best physical condition imaginable!
Each and every move in wrestling is rehearsed granted, but also quite dangerous. The way a person gets body slammed, jumped on, hit, punched and thrown can cause serious injury and even death.
If you notice, more than 1/2 the show is just that, a show. There is a storyline (Although usually stupid), there is a lot of prancing around, showing off, well built women preening for the cameras, chases and a lot of sexual inuendo. It brings the people in and keeps the viewers interested.
I dont recommend you allowing your 8, 9, 10 year old child to
sit down and watch wrestling every night or to emulate the wrestlers, but if you tell them that it is a sport that you have to be fully trained for and be in the best physical condition for, I see nothing wrong with allowing them to see it every once in a while.
We watch it and laugh at the audience reactions to the antics going on in and around the ring. Its fun, it takes your mind off the every day problems and you dont really have to think to watch it!
Back in the 80s, there was a show on television called G.L.O.W. (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling). Now that was fun! Seeing the women with their manicured fingernails and beautifully done up hair pretending, to put on a wrestling match. Women with names like, Tina Ferarri, Suzy Spirit, Jungle Woman, Spanish Red, and the team of Hollywood and Vine. These woman were for the most part, strippers, dancers and mud wrestlers that were brought in just to put on a show. Now there is a show called W.O.W. (Women of Wrestling). These women are actually trained wrestler(Including Ivory, who was known in the 80s as Tina Ferarri...see above.)
As I said before, watching wrestling is a no brainer. But it is not necessarily for young children to watch and imitate.
Loosen up, sit back and watch The Cat in the ring with The Rock and watch Steve Austin be tossed around by Goldberg. Its all fun.