Manoj enters into his sisters studyroom and sees her sitting near the window fiddling with a pen and scratching her head furiously.
Manoj: Hi chechi(sister). Whats up?
Deepa: Nothing bro. Just that I decided to write in my free time.
Manoj: Glad to hear that. Any pleasant surprises for me?
Deepa: Surprises? Ya, remember you telling me about
Manoj: Yes. Did you like the site?
Deepa: More than just a like. I became a member now.
Manoj: Way to go. Hope youre enjoying the time spent in MS.
Deepa: My only concern is about writing reviews. You see, Ive not written anything before except letters to Achan(dad), Amma(mum) & friends.
Manoj: Now Ive a pleasant surprise for you. You dont need to be an experienced writer. Look at me. I never wrote anything before too except sending emails & letters to friends. And here I am, 33 reviews later.
Deepa: How did you get going?
Manoj: Well, the site only wants me to share my experience and atleast write a minimum of 150 words. And thats exactly what I did.
Deepa: But my grammar is not perfect and I do make spelling mistakes.
Manoj: Thats alright. If you can, get someone whom you know writes English well to help you. Like me:) Let me write the review for you while you dictate what you want to express.
Deepa: My grammar is not that bad moron. And I prefer writing alone, thank you.
Manoj: Fine, just get started then. Forget the grammar for now and regarding the spelling errors - MS does a good job of highlighting the incorrect ones. Slowly and steadily, you can begin to improve your grammar too.
Deepa: Im afraid of negative taunts to my reviews.
Manoj: I understand, it gives a quesy feeling in the stomach at times.
Deepa: But what the heck, they dont know me and I dont know them. Their comments are just words.
Manoj: Thats the spirit chechi. So, whatve you thought of writing ur first review on?
Deepa: On the Friends sitcom
Manoj: Cool. Make sure to add a short & sweet title.
Deepa: Tell me more.
Manoj: Short title is more pleasing to the eye. And if you can think of a catchy headline, you can attract more readers.
Deepa: How aboutFriends are my best friends?
Manoj: Hey, thats not bad. I suggest you go for it. And set aside some time daily to read magazines, newspapers or novels to begin improving your vocabulary and grammar. Not to mention getting ideas on attractive headlines.
Deepa: What if my opinions on the sitcom are contrary to popular opinion?
Manoj: If thats how you truly feel, so be it. Remember, your opinions count too. Some may reject what you say but remember these wise words? - its not what they think, its what you know. Just be you and the reader will actually appreciate your stance. Different, unique opinions is what makes MS such an interesting site. But dont use abusive words, that can be a complete put-off.
Deepa: I think I will get started. Ive so much to tell about Friends. Hope the readers will not find my lengthy thoughts on the sitcom too taxing.
Manoj: They wont because you cannot write beyond 8000K. But long reviews are much better than short ones or else the reader usually do not find it useful or entertaining enough. And suppose you cannot think much of a topic, you can still try to extend the review by including some facts on it, some jokes, others experiences and so on.
Deepa: My sense of humour can be weird at times.
Manoj: You dont have to be a joker. And its perfectly alright to stick to your own limitations. Remember, be you. You will be accepted for who you are.
Deepa: Alright Mr. Philosopher. By the way, do you recommend Friends?
Manoj: Its entertaining - lots of joys and laughter. Why not? Talking about recommendation, never forget to click YES in the recommendation circle if thats what you want. Its kept NO by default. If you forget, the reader will assume youve a dual personality - not recommending Friends but praising it to the skies too!
Deepa: Lol, Ill be careful. Thanks a lot for the suggestions. Now before I tell you to scram, what are your final words?
Manoj: To conclude my dear chechi, let me say that your review is mostly your thoughts and never forgot to put in your all when writing them down.
Deepa: KISS and then get out
Manoj gives a peck on her cheek.
Deepa: I mean KISS, Keep It Simple, Stupid!
Manoj: Oh, lol, Im so sorry. In other words, to write reviews is to remember what Albert Einstein said and its NOT about who is a genius. Goodnight chechi.
Deepa: Goodnight, my dear nutty bro.
And as Manoj leaves the room, Deepa takes out her pad and scribbles these following lines -
99% inspiration, 1% perspiration