I like writing reviews on MouthShut
So many people have been nice to me and I would like to thank a few, (I hope you dont mind):
ppotter was the first person to trust me and has stuck with we through these few months. She has a terrible disease and it is very hard for her to type. I am so proud of her because a few days ago she learned to cut and paste.
Cousin (who is my real cousin who lives in L.A.).
She doesnt write much here but what she does write it is excellent.
Pam, Sharon and I wrote on a few sites together, (one no longer exists, and they write on Ei*ns. I do write on other web sites but I dont use the same name.
Venchasa (who I do not know) all trusted me the first day I wrote here.
On the second day pete, wunderboy, vimal_kalyan and tabyorky, (who I didnt know), were next to trust me. All but one write here and they write wonderful reviews.
I do want to say a special thanks to abadabbeywho has so many people who trust her she takes the time to rate me when she can. meleahk1 and bwanamdevu took a long time for me to earn their trust. I believe they have read every review I have written.
Life is not perfect and there are Members who dont trust me. I find this is hurtful and if you see that there are Members who dont trust you ignore them and continue to write the best reviews that you can. I do not have anyone I dont trust.
I do not belong to any group or block. I do not rate how the people I trust do. I have my own mind and I rate as I want to. If I dont agree with your points I wont rate you lower. I rate on merit not on agreement.
I will only rate NH if the review is only a few sentances.
I rate SH if the review is a few paragraphs.
I do rate shorter reviews H because they dont have enough information.
I dont rate MH so that Members with trust me.
I love to see newbiesgrow in their writing skills
I know other people rate newbieslow. I do try to help them. The new Members on MS dont want help, revenge rate and some times are very angry people. I dont read reviews from people like this.
Please do not tell me what I forgot to include in my review, (unless it is constructive and it helps me make my review better). I cant write about something I have not seen, (you should not either), or write a review longer than 1000 words, (you cant either).
Please dont trust me as soon as I rate your first review, (Ive made that mistake a lot when I first came here). Also dont trust me if you arent going to rate my reviews.
I think the staff on this site must me the nicest people in the World. They have added so many topics for me that I am sure they must be sick of me. I would like to thank them for being helpful and always replying to me very quickly.
To the person who keeps joining MS and the other sites I write on. I dont care if you rate all of my Ops. NH. What you give out will turn on you and youll find out who will be your Judge. Hint: It wont be me.
I hope this did not bore you but I felt I had to say what was in my mind.
I hope that everyone has a lot of joy and happiness in their life.May you live to be a hundred years, with nothing but sunshine in your lives.