I use to write for another website. I did it for 2 years. Over those two years I started see changes. Fights, bad rating(when others thought they were great.)
I had read about this website.
I looked into it.
I signed up.
I looked into it again.
What did I see?
People who were honest.
I have written some reviews that I could have given more. I wrote reviews I gave my all.
Some days want to write what I know, and go on with life.
Other days I read, and rate, that is why I have only have written 12 as of this review.
Mouthshut gave me a place to be comfortable. I didnt have to compete with other people. Its home!
I say when it comes to writing in this website, write what you know.
Dont give away the ending.(Books, movies)
Tell me what it does.(makeup, lotion)
Tell me what doesnt work.(websites, airlines)
Short or long. Rich or poor. Put your all into it and dont to it for points. I dont! What do I get out of this? Not money at this point. Just friend and some good advice.
I was waiting for a review on Panic Room, today I got it!
I was so excited! I want to see it! That is what this website should be all about, waiting for that review!
I have gotten a bad rating from one person a few times. Never a comment. This person is always the only one in the line up. I see it happen with other people, with the same person! I say, go on with life. Dont take it personally. Some people just want to hurt other people!
When writing for this website, write what you know! Do a little looking into the product, and tell me yes or no! That is all I want!
Thanks for reading!