As the title says it, I was waiting for this!.
Yes, after having joined barely a month or so ago, lured by the chance to win a free ticket to Dubai, I found myself transported to a different world altogether!
I found that there are a few things which I felt really strongly about and now I could type down my views for millions (!) of others to see worldwide and comment.
So far so good, but I was overwhelmed by the response I got initially and was really inspired and encouraged to write more reviews. Including this one and the one which got deleted, I have so far written 8 reviews. Not a big number by any respect, I am aware of that, but to be fair to myself, I wrote those reviews in like 2-3 days! After that I had to go out, had no time.
Anyway, even with the 10-11 comments that I got on 6 reviews and after reading other comments, I got to learn a lot, believe me, a lot.
Unfortunately, for me it is like MANDARIN language, which looks nice and attractive, but difficult to learn. The reason why I say that is because for a person like me, who is actually not a writer, doesnt have those creative juices flowing in him, it is useless to even try to change the way I write or think because it will be a disaster otherwise. I write whatever comes to my mind and I think thats important.
I have been going on and on and in case you are wondering what is the meaning of writing all this...let me tell you what I feel about writing reviews about feel that for somebody who likes to write, he/she can learn quite a few things and of course how can we forget the utility of this website of helping other people decide before buying or using something.
Also I feel that even for a non-writer like me it is a wonderful platform to meet and interact with all you intelligent people and learn so many new things, which as I said earlier, I may not put into practise!!.
Neverthless, NOTHING ELSE gives me more joy than reading nice comments about my reviews! ...Oops, sorry, there IS something which gives me more joy than reading nice comments about my review...My 2-month old son who looks just like me!.