I am dedicating this review to all those who are in my distrust list, including Cousin2.I am sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.Cousin2
As all of u know that mouthshut is a website, for usto write our views, I came upon mouthshut while browsing other things on the internet.I was immdiately hooked.and started to stay up late to write reviews.until 3am.my review was stardust is all dust .
I also have read review written by some amazing writers like moonalisa, suyog, Cousin2, gattu and sourrays.
Lets say that mouthshut.has tolerate all sorts of writers.But there is a limit guys.Those who write uncensored review shld be delt accordingly.I mean some kids too must be readin ur all reviews.and they might have a bad effect if they read reviews that are uncensored.
My 15 years old sister reads reviews from this site.she loves it too.Pls guys
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And love, that is what writing at mouthshut is all about