Life is a bitter-sweet symphony and experiencing ‘Mouthshut’ is no different. We discover Mouthshut quite by chance, in a ‘quaint corner’ of the net, mostly from a search site and then get hooked onto reading the experiences of ‘real’ people on various aspects of life. We encounter hilarious situations, feel the pain of someone who has put in his/her hard earned money and trust on a product, yet got swindled badly. We discover writers with a great sense of humour and some really wise one’s with sensible advice on dealing with the realities of life. The comments/ratings section of reviews allow you to share your thoughts with likeminded souls.
We get to meet self-effacing *star-writers and sometimes one’s with starry-airs who loves a lot of controversy. Finally, if you are feeling starry-eyed and want to jot down your experiences too as a bona fide member of mouthshut, you would spend anxious moments hoping that you won’t be star-crossed enough to have no comments/ratings on your review.*
But, have no fear, out of a million or so mouthshut members, there’s always a few kindly souls
who would be gracious enough to rate your reviews, share their experiences and comment on your
writing skills. This would egg you on to shed your diffidence and continuing your journey with mouthshut.
As in life, there will be a few surprises, pleasant as well as unpleasant. Some very good writers might feel disgruntled about the unfairness of their reviews being deleted and decide to leave. Some new member might surprise you with their writing skills and at other times you’ll be shocked to learn that a copied review has somehow managed to win a contest on Mouthshut. Some members might shock you with their brazenness and others would lift your spirits with their gracious presence on the comments/ratings section of your pages.
As time goes by, some generous souls might add you on to their Trusted Circle list and you will add members in your TC list too. The next step is to be ‘starry-eyed’ enough to hope for the ‘star-writer’ tag which doesn’t come easily, but worth your while to wait for.
However, Mouthshut continues to grow from strength to strength, whether we decide to keep our mouth shut or raise our concerns with constructive criticism, because the *‘show must go on’ for members to ‘show up’ and ‘show-case’ their writing skills and in the process be judged as ‘show-offs’ or ‘show-piece’ of the ‘star-studded’ ‘show-place’ **called ‘The Mouthshut Community’.