One day I was surfing on the net and on I wrote mouth shut.Surprisingly, I saw, on the top written a name!, I thought.The name of this website was something which attracted me towards this website.I clicked on
What I saw on this website was that you can voice your opinions on any product.I found it very interesting.I kept my I.D mouthshutdotcombecause the only thing running in my mind was so I thought that this I.D would be the best.Well, that night, I had seen famous Indian television serial Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii, so I wrote a review on it, enthusiastically.The next day I visited this website I saw that a comment was added to my review.I read the comment and really liked this ONE sentence saying Welcome to mouthshut, written by a MS member skicorp.This sentence really encouraged me to write more reviews.
I wrote many reviews on several latest Indian movies.Members kept on sending comments and added me in their trusted list.I loved the response of all the members.This site, today is very special to me and writing reviews on is my favourite pass time.This is the only site which gave me the chance to voice my opinions.Whenever, you write a review on this WONDERFUL website, you feel very special because of the response you get.
While writing a review, I get so much involved in the review that I don`t care what is happenng around me.I take care that whatever I`m writing, would the people find it interesting?I take care that there should be no mistake anywhere in the review.Many people disagree with our opinions and many agree but then this is what itself says that YOUR OPINIONS MATTER.While writing a review one should be confident about his opinion because if we are confident about our opinion it means we have faith in ourselves.
There are three steps, to be followed, while writing a review
1.First of all, try that particular product on which you are going to write a review and then think HOW you find it and HOW you recommend it to others.
2.Secondly, to give a clear idea to the one who is reading your review, collect lots and lots of information about that product, so that the reader can understand clearly what YOU mean to say!
3.The third step is to write the review in details but they should be relevant and the review should not be boring.You should feel as if you are reading the review and if you find it the way you wanted to write it and if it is PERFECT(according to you), then SUBMIT it.
If anyone does not agree with our opinion we should not be dishearten because he/she might not have liked our opinion but if we think we are right then it means we are RIGHT.Mouthshut means that keep our mouths shut and listen to others opinions.It has happened so many times that about one thing I have a different opinion and someone else has a different opinion about it still I have given him/her the rating HIGHLY RECOMMENDEDbecause the way he/she has voiced his/her opinion is written straight from the heart.
When we write a review, it`s not enough.Our reviews have to be rated.The FOUR ratings to the reviews are:-
1.Highly Recommended(The BEST!)
2.Recommended(Encourages that you can write it MUCH BETTER)
3.Somewhat Recommended(A little bit Discouraging but there is always a next time)
4.Not Recommended(means your review was NOT GOOD and so BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!).
If you do not agree on anyone`s opinion then you should not give it a NR only for this reason because everyone has different opinions and everyone has the right to voice his/her opinion.If your review was not good and it got the rating NR, then you must try to write a better review because everyone can write very well if he is writing it with full interest and above all, HEART.
It is a pleasure to write reviews on my favourite website members of this website are like a FAMILY to me because of their response and suggestions.I wish I keep on writing more and more reviews on this website so everyone would appreciate my reviews.Please always remember that I write reviews with putting in equal effort so that you members of agree to my opinions.Keep Writing everyone and I will be keep writing as well.I hope the THREE steps I`ve mentioned in my review, will be followed by everyone if you TRUST me.I would really appreciate it.I hope you all agree with me.Thank you everyone!Thank you