Hello to all my friends
Here comes my 50th Review before you...
Learned a lot from MS and still in learning phase...
This review is a sincere reply to MS (whats written on Star Writer Guidelines Page) - Do you want to be a Star Writer? A big Yessssssssssss,
Yes, I would like to become a Star Writer at MS. I would like to join the Universe of MS where so many stars are enlighting the sky of MS. I would like to have Star Sign with my MS-id.
First let me clear before proceeding further that there is as such no teasing or bad feelings for any one here, just writing what I have experienced during my small lifetime at MS. No Offence plzzzzzzzzzzzzz...coz this is my 50th review at MS and would like to complete century of reviews soon with the help of you all and sooner or later I will also become a Star Writer...what you say? m I right this time???
My joining to MS:
I have joined MS just 5 months ago after getting an invitation from one of my buddy, just to tell that he is no more active here like before but he provide me the way to find something excellent in itself. Now I have become so addictive that MS is always opened if I am online and due to my online job I have to be online at least 12-14 hours a day, irrespective of my busy schedule I would like to read at least some reviews every day and try to write some review when feel to write something. I have learned a lot from MS Star writers as well other good writers (who still waiting to become star writers at MS).
I didnt ask anybody anytime about any specific formula that MS apply in recognizing somebody as a Star Writer. I just followed whatever MS look for in a prospective Star Writer.
First my reply to the guidelines provided by Ms:
• Be an active member on MS in good standing.
Re: I am an active mmeber since my joining and proudly remain in the Best Debut Listing for around 3-4 weeks after writing some fine early reviews. My presence with RRC can prove my activeness to MS.
• Be a regular writer, with most reviews rated as Highly Recommended or Recommended by other members.
Re: Though I am not so regular in writing but I think 50 reviews in this short period is fine and most of my reviews have Overall Rating as Very Useful i.e. Highly Recommended by members. And I got many good friends just coz of my reviews and commnets on reviews.
• Be trusted by several members. Distrusted by few or none.
Re: I am a trustworthy person at MS, aleardy trusted by 31 members including a star writer as well, yes only one star writer trust me and id of the person is "mbfarookh", I am grateful to b a trustworthy of all my friends and just to tell I sincerely trust around 52 members at MS. And I guess both the list will keep on increase with the time.
• Be active in commenting and rating other members’ opinions.
Re: Being an active member at MS I am use to read, rate and give my comment to the reviews that deserve something from my side, I like to read reviews from all the good writers of MS and try to write according to my mind and need of the time.
• Never have violated any conditions under Terms of Services.
Re: I dont remember I have ever violated any conditions under ToS on MS, even if it was done by mistake then its all done accidently and without any bad intention.
• Have a complete profile page.
Re: My profile is complete in itself and I think the information I provided is enough to describe about myself and anybody can be my friend by reading my profile coz I have told what really I am. So be my friend, its my request...
• Have a picture uploaded on his/her profile page. The picture should of the real self only - no family members or friends in that picture. Ideally it should be a headshot. No digital manipulation of picture is allowed.
Re: I think my display picture can better explain this point.
• Not be an active member on any other Indian consumer review site.
Re: Moreover I am not even a member on any other Indian consumer review site and I dont like any other site in the presence of MS before me. I never tried to find any other site like this...long live MS...
What I cant write (Honestly Telling):
[No name calling in this review...]
• I cant write anything vulgar or what people write here as Something Hot Review. I have read some really hot reviews at MS, related to se* & other hot topics, and above all by female members of MS...may be those are false MS ids or whtevr but they are really bold enough to write such reviews and its all beyond my limits.
• I cant write burning reviews like some of the members use to write to be in limelight all the time. They use to write so bad & abusive on any body, I dont know whts in their mind tht pinch then to write those kind of reviews; and they get the deserving reactions in the form of ratings and comments...
• I am not able to write something much descriptive and useful with lots of data and analysis reports as a supporting information, seen many reviews with so much useless product specification, detailed information of even each n every smallest particle used. There must b some useful information written in brief about the product...
• I am not a good reader of the books but I like to read reviews written on books and due to some nice reviews I again started reading books of my choice but writing a review on books is again my beyond my limitation coz I cant write summary or central idea like thngs of good books.
• Reviews on business, finance related issues, household items, products of daily usage or advices to so much talented people are not my likings, but I like to read all reviews related to these things.
My favourite topics:
Sports & Sports Personalities
Bollywood & Hollywood movies and personalities
Food & Health
Sometimes on current issues
And above all love to write for MOUTHSHUT
One Last Question: Can I still become a Star Writer with these small list of interests and such a small mind???
Now its all upto MS panel to decide the Star Writers of MS and I know they are best known to their job.
All the very best to all of you and MS team...Hats off for all the star writers of MS...
Thanks for spending your precious time on my review
Suggestions for me always welcome...
Akash Dwivedi