Hi, guyz. its been sum time since I become member. 4 those wonderin where im busy. been busy reading revs by madlyla, karan23, suyog n others. honestly me thinks they have done gr8 job. nuthing much left to write. but since I got sum mails requesting me;-) to write 1, neways decided 2 give it a try. just hopin I do it good n dont shoot myself in the foot. also am hoping being a newcomer I wud be spared all brickbats n given sum encouragement. pleaze feel free 2 guide me
why 2 write
so many products n topics to write on my my
so many interesting members omigosh
some really hansum guyz;-)
luvly comments
help people
what 2 write
how 2 write
what u genuinely feel
write frm heart
what u know
share personal exp
write with luv;-)
what u get
honest feedback
luvly comments
suggestions 2 improve
lotsa friends
encouragin mails
I m so sorry I cant write more. I m not 2 brilliant like u guyz. hope u wud understand. but thanx for those lovely e-mails. so sorry cudnt reply. there r so many. but luv u all