HOW I CAME IN. I used to hang around in 2 writing websites. Thats how I got to know MouthShut.
For curiositys sake, I registered and surfed inside to read and rate some of the reviews. On that very same day I churned out my first review about cell phones as the request of Mickey. Voila! I already earned some points. And so I got 10 for enrolling, 5 for writing one review and another 5 for reading and rating some other reviews. Not bad, I thought, I may be back.
MY SCORES. And so I was back, and again and again. It didnt occur to me that, as of this writing, I already have earned 848 points. Thats broken down as:
25 for the 5 reviews I have written
320 for the reads I got from the members
493 for the read and rate I did to the other reviews
Wow, come to think of it, I earned the most points for reading and rating. Isnt there an award for this? But I am already amply rewarded because I enjoyed passing time in reading, rating and commenting on the reviews written by the members. Only in MS do I get points for reading and rating the work of others. And what more? I get a 5% commission on the earnings of my referred members (I have no referral yet).
MY OBJECTIVE. I have to always be Honest and Sincere in my writings. All the comments I give, I make it a point to be soft and friendly because most MS members are friendly. There are times that I fail in my grammar but thats an exception rather than the rule. I want MS members to learn from me, from my academic knowledge, my command of English, my true-to-life experiences and other learnings that I have in my head.
Although its a good motivation, winning an award is far from my mind because whats first and foremost for me is to earn the respect of the MS members. There are 18 members who trust my writings. Oh, I dont want to be in a Distrust List.
SUGGESTION ON COMMENTS. The present tradition of replying to comments is fine. However, there are members who dont come back anymore so they wouldnt see your reply to their comments. I think replies to comments should be posted in the commenters own reviews with a note saying it was a reply to the commenters comment. Confused? Heres an illustration.
I have commented on Grandmacmjs Recruitment Fairs and she replied by posting a comment in my review of Cell phones. Surely I was able to read her reaction to my comment on her Recruitment Fair review.
POTPOURRI. Only in MS can I find disciplinary action based on strict monitoring of the members. Flagging is a warning given and excesses of members can lead to Mouth Sealed. All this you can find in the Community page.
Only in MS can I receive an e-mail from the CEO. Thanks Faisal, you give me a feeling that you care for all the members.
Keep on writing, Friends!