I have been watching WWE on tensports right from childhood for more than 13 years.
Right from hulk Hogan till the latest Roman reigns I have followed them from my childhood.
I used to feel that they train hard hard and fight wild on ring but as I grew up I understood that it is scripted but still it is fun to watch.
I still remember I use to watch and try the stunts on my uncle when I was kid, so I feel this can be a bit dangerous for kids.
I feel the intensity of the show was really great till 2011 but after that the wrestlers that came up were not that great like Daniel obrain and all were not great, just Cena and ortan are interesting at the moment.
Triple H who was good turned into evil manager also didnt impress me.
But Brock breaking undertakers record was one of the great moment.
A cool show to follow and pump up a bit, can be dangerous for small siblings specially intense fight with chairs and axes.
Hope they will keep up the same intensity of the Golden periods of Rock, stone cold, Shawn Michaels etc.