In early 90s, wwe used to be most popular & one of the biggest entertainment sport this world ever had.I also have great collection of the old wwe matches( formerly known as WCW) with big stars like nature boy Rick flair, Shawn Michaels etc. I still used to watch those collection in my free time to feel a little bit relaxed.They used to performed really professionally and clean, so I guess wwe was not the same as earlier that used to be today.
But today, wwe became totally storyline based, wrestlers delivers dialogues and action moves inside arena that has been totally pre planned and scripted inch by inch.
Today, wwe superstars performs so poor and ridiculous in the ring that sometime its become very difficult to see the show with family, divas and superstars starts kissing so unpredictably so that you have to change the channel, why Im saying so so, because sometimes I used to watch it with my family members.
WWE claimed to be a complete family show, but sometime they seem so notorious in the ring that its become hard to believe that its a family entertainment show, ha.ha.ha .are they kidding with us?
So, Id reached to my verdict that if u like to watch wwe, watch it alone or with ur frendz, cause this is not that WWE, What it used to be before 6 to 7 years.
Thanks for reading my opinion on WWE.