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WWE Wrestling



WWE Wrestling
- -@sokool_m
Sep 20, 2006 05:06 PM, 6150 Views
(Updated Sep 20, 2006)
It’s now called the “WWE” standing for World Wrest

It’s now called the “WWE” standing for World Wrestling Entertainment, beforeit was called the WWF but it lost the name due to various reasons. I grew upwatching wrestling, but don’t think I am stupid I know its fake people that’swhy there is a “LETTER E” after “WW” which means entertainment. They are nottrying to fool you by making you think it’s real. But how things have changedfrom the 90s and now to the 2000s and sadly to say but the WWE is dying. Don’tget me wrong it’s a true fact that the ratings are going down before Wrestlemania use to have record breaking attendance but it’s all fading. Beforewrestling use to be on everyone’s lips. People use to get bullied in school andwhile the wrestling fever was on they didn’t punch the Victim They maybe gavethe victim a stone cold stunner or a rock bottom. I will start with what makesme say that wrestling is dying today.


Well many say wrestling is built on not just wrestling but on how you are onthe MIC, WWE lost a great wrestler in THE ROCK! Yes this guy now does movies“walking tall” and”The mummy returns” are some titles that will come up withhim init. WWE started going all wrong when the rock left wrestling. He becamepopular so much with his lines. E.G “It doesn’t matter what your name is” Thisline was so famous they made it into a song with Wyclef. “If you smell what therock was cooking” The rock always has something funny to say and he was thebest on the mic. The fans cheered like hell each time he came into the arena.After the Rock Left Wrestling was not the same, Then Mic Foley Retired “thehardcore legend”, Austinwas gone. The greatest wrestler in submission Ken shamrock was not around. Onlythe undertaker and Triple H are left now.   The thing that is wrong aboutit now is that it is not as exciting as before. When The Rock Use to feud with Austin. Austin Vs VinceWar was amazing. Kane Vs Undertaker Wars and LOD. Now I can predict easilywhat’s going to happen I have not enjoyed the last two wrestle mania becausethe matches were not hyped and the story kept repeating itself with thedifferent people. John Cena is a copy of the rock and Austin mixed and he can not rap the last PPVI did enjoy Was ECW one night stand because RVD won the title and the crowdswere lively. I like Austina lot but come on when the crowd chants “WHAT” all the time it does get boring.At least ECW chants different things when John Cena was playing RVD at ECW oneNight Stand “You can’t wrestle” and “Same Old S H I T” was heard and it wasfunny. Throwing Toilet roll in the ring at John Cena. You see where I am goingWWE use to not be extreme like that but it was exciting now it feels like thecrowds have gone. When The Rock Lost to triple h at wrestle mania gettingscrewed by Vince you see people frustration by throwing stuff in the ring. Nowthe crowds treat it like another show. Okay I am not saying go mad for it butwe want an atmosphere which is not there no more. When Mankind got chucked ofthe hell in a cell it was talked about so much. Now if that happens again withthe big show. No one will have a clue about it. The people have stop talkingabout these things now. Mainly because no one hardly watches it as they didbefore.

You may think what am I talking about so let me tell you what WWE is allabout


Vince McMahon is the Owner of the WWE he is a billionaire, its basicallywresting with storylines, its fake okay but its all for the entertainment. Ifound out when they bleed it is real they cut themselves with razor blades. Ifyou look closely when they are bleeding they have small razors in there hands.Apart from the blood wrestling is like a soap you follow on TV. You have twoshows Monday Night Raw and Tuesday Night Smack down.


not saying they don’t have good talent , but its split some peopleare good on the mic and some are good wrestlers take Batista great body, Greatwrestler but poor on the Mic. Take John Cena Poor wrestler and Poor on the mic, The only people with two out of two is Triple H and HBK that’s why its greatthey started up DX. This is a good thing as it takes you back to when DX wasalways talked about then. But still these two are great but soon the Undertakerwill go due to his age. HBK will retire soon. We need new talent but I doubt anyonecould ever beat legends like Triple H and The Rock and Austin. I ask everyonewhy they stop watching wrestling and all they say to me is that they grew up.Maybe yes a major majority of WWE fans are Kids. Maybe I grew up? Maybe Irelies how stupid it is? But maybe not, because when I look at the old WWFtapes I still think that rock compared to now. But another fact why peoplemight have lost interest is because of the huge fan followers and sorry to sayTHE ROCK had Many Fans, so did Austin and now they both not in the WWE meaningmany people must have stopped watching the Shows. I think now DX can improvethe rating, I still believe Triple h is amazing and he is awesome still and heis one of the best wrestlers but people get old and we need new talent thatpeople love to watch like The Rock.


3 Favourite Wrestlers (AT wrestling)

1)Ken Shamrock,

2)Kurt Angle

3)Chris Beniot

3 Favourite wrestlers (On the Microphone)

1)The Rock

2)Chris Jericho

3)Triple H

3 Favourite wrestlers (all Rounder Microphone and Wrestling)

1)Joint Rock and Triple H

2)Kurt Angle

3)Stone Cold Steve Austin

3 Best New comers



3)Randy Orton


I still watch wrestling today when ever its on TV but that’s when ever itson before in the 1996 – 2000 I use to make sure I didn’t miss RAW or Smack downOne bit, but I guess the excitement has gone. But they might get someexcitement back with great new story lines and no super star wannabe. But Idon’t think that will happen anytime soon but its still great entertainment andthat’s what it is its all “Entertainment” so don’t try this at home kids! Istill watch wrestling today when ever its on TV but that’s when ever its onbefore in the 1996 – 2000 I use to make sure I didn’t miss RAW or Smack downOne bit, but I guess the excitement has gone. But they might get someexcitement back with great new story lines and no super star wannabe. But Idon’t think that will happen anytime soon but its still great entertainment andthat’s what it is its all “Entertainment” so don’t try this at home kids! Istill watch wrestling today when ever its on TV but that’s when ever its onbefore in the 1996 – 2000 I use to make sure I didn’t miss RAW or Smack downOne bit, but I guess the excitement has gone. But they might get someexcitement back with great new story lines and no super star wannabe. But Idon’t think that will happen anytime soon but its still great entertainment andthat’s what it is its all “Entertainment” so don’t try this at home kids!

  • END -

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