Its been so long years. that I used to watch WWE wrestling.all weeks.without any gap.
Yes I am a huge huge fan of WWE wrestling.i am watching.since 2003.when I wad around.11 years old.and till date I am still watching it.
I just love it. there is no other word to describe my feeling on this.
Initially when I started to favourite player wad u know.he has set a record of won 173 consecutive matches in a row.can you belive it.173 matches. the time goes on.this Company would get change.
From the era of Austin 3:16 changes to.
Can you smell what the rock is cookin.all the cant see me.and now it turns into.Roman Empire.
Yes I have seen.big impacts of every superstars.all are good in their own personality.
But there are only 2 favourite superstar jn this WWE.
first is The Rock and
Second are Roman Reigns.
Both are cousins in relation.and as well as.are the most most.famous and dominating in their work.
They are supermly talented.there is no doubt for sure.
On the other hand. When the matterd comes of.the othet subsitute of this program.i really really hard to find any other program to replace this in my schedule.
And also I do not find any of the dislike about this WWE wrestling.There is no any other program as compareable to this.
So I would can try out this program.and once u get like. you will become a habitual of this program.