While out and about on the Internet I came across a site called WWJD for Teens and Adults. WWJD…What Would Jesus Do! This site is wonderful in my book.! And what do you know? There is a place to put a review, so I have.
WWJD Website
When you first come to the home page you find a very exciting place. Over on the left hand side you will find links that will take you places on site called: Message Boars, Tips for Teens, Tips for Youth Ministries, Testimonials, Devotions, The Album, Feedback, Bracelets, Books, Bible Covers, Post Cards, WWJD Game, About WWJD, Facts, Contest and Links.
Now the site was designed by teens for teens, but a lot of adults enjoy it as well. I have found that I am encouraging the youth at church to go to this site. My own 16-year-old daughter goes to it as well and really enjoys it.
You can copy and paste the link for their button/banner to add to your website, which I did.
The Devotional link will take you to a page where you can click on various devotionals, they are heart warming and will make you feel really good. Experience the words of real people and how their lives have changed. How they have depended on the Lord to help them through life.
The Testimonial sections is also great! Teens tell how they deal with friends leaving, how they deal with everyday stress in their lives, and how they let God help them through it all. You can also get some ideas from them on how to help yourself deal with someone leaving or problems within your life.
The Bracelet link will take you to a page that shows the various styles, which you can order from the web site. However you can also make your own like we have.
About WWJD
Directly from the website:
“WWJD began in the hearts of a youth group in Holland Michigan, sparked by an author who wrote his novel in 1896. It has grown to impact millions worldwide who now ask the question, What Would Jesus Do? The founders of the movement started with a basic presupposition - if each person would ask the question - What Would Jesus Do? with each decision they made, the world would be changed for the better one question at a time.
Today, that spark of thought from a youth group has grown into a raging fire that is fueled by a new Bible, books, and a special WWJD album (which has entered Billboard’s Top 200 chart) that is all targeted to service, support and encourage the people who have donned some 14 million WWJD bracelets as statements of their allegiance to what has become a cultural revolution leading into the next millennium.”
Now although this was originally for the youth and even for kids of all ages, it is now for adults as well. now I don’t know about you, but as a parent I am going to check out such sites before letting my children attend them! And this site is okay in my book.
The mission of WWJD.com
Our mission is to provide teens and youth ministries with not only the tools used to witness to thousands of peers across the world, but to provide the knowledge found in devotionals, the shared experiences found in the testimonials, and hundreds of tips for teens and tips for youth ministers to help further the gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior.
How I Feel
I certainly agree with the goal of this site! Letting the world know about Jesus, about His Father and our Father, God. This site is really great. If you are having a bad day, you can come here and feel better.
I like the bracelets, books, albums and other items that are available to the public. We wear ours with pride and when someone asks us about the WWJD we gladly tell them.
This site has really helped my daughter and she shares a lot of it with my son, my other daughter, her friends and myself. She really gets pumped up over this site and that is a good thing.
There is also a 30-day Spiritual Challenge Journal that you can order and use in your everyday life. The albums are nice too!
I was really touched by the hard work that these youth have done with this site. It is always good to see youth working for the Lord and doing His calling. I love seeing my own children being called by God. Funny thing is with them, is they fight it tooth and nail, and then when they finally do answer “Yes”, they can’t figure out why they took so long. I tell them “Satin” that is how he works.
So go to https://wwjd.com and see for yourself this wonderful site. Certainly send your teens! As a parent and a Christian, I encourage all to go!
I hope that this has helped in some kind of way.
God Bless!
©LKD 2002