I am huge X-men fan since I was child. As I was born in the 90s one of my fav cartoons used to be X-MEN EVOLUTION. From that moment I was awestruck by the awesome concept by the One and Only Father of All X-Men STAN LEE. And then there the X Men Franchise started in the early 2000s. I was upset after X-Men Last Stand as one of all my fav Jean died in that movie and that too Scott Summers(Used to be one of the leaders in the X-MEN EVOLUTION cartoon series). Thank God they rebooted the whole story starting with X-MEN FIRST CLASS then there was the critically acclaimed DAYS OF FUTURE PAST and now APOCALYPSE.
PLOT IN SHORT(dont wanna give any spoilers):After Days of Future Past in 1970s this movie start with the era of 1980s and introduction of CYCLOPS, JEAN, STORM, NIGHT CRAWLER and others and with the awakening of the all mighty powerful mutant of all time APOCALYPSE. Story will reveal how this NEXT GEN X-MEN fight against the God of all mutants and here you will learn how much POWERFUL OUR DEAR PROFESSOR CHARLES XAVIOR and MAGNETO is and what they can do. And also you will get some of THE WOLFVERINE action in a cameo and the TRUE POWER AND CAPABILITIES OF JEAN and how they all unite together to defeat the ALL POWERFUL APOCALPYSE.
Watch the Post Credit Scene there is some Surprise For You.
OVERALL it is one of the BESTEST(superlative of Best) X-MEN MOVIE of all time with great visual effects and as always we dont want to see our heroes die.
I can assure you that youll be stuck to your seats in the entire movie and GET THE MONEY WORTH WATCHING!
Thank YOU for reading this long review.
God bless.