The movie posters had all new faces and that made me tell myself, this movie is going to be a disaster. But the reviews and good vibes I was getting from all around, made me reconsider my decision.
The movie is a prequel to all the X-Men movies. It is the prequel to Wolverine too. The movie has an amazing story line and is pretty fast paced. You hardly get a breather between all the events that take place. You remain glued to your seat right from the start till the end.
The era depicted in the movie is one in which not all were aware of the existence of mutants. The mutants knew they were different and tried their best to fit into the life of normal people.
A rogue mutant (Sebastian) has set out to free the earth from the burden of normal, weak humans. A CIA agent unknowingly sees someone disappear in thin air and comes to think that mutants might exist. When she hears about Professor Xaviers thesis on mutation, she catches up with him to discuss the possibility. These two then join forces to protect the very existence of humans against Sebastians army. The story just sprints from here picking up more characters on the way.
The performances by each and everyone are great. The direction worth a mention.The action is absorbing, the effects interesting and the story..well as I keep saying is very well knit. Wolverine also shows up in his usual fould mood, for a miniscule moment much to the joy of everyone in the audience.
This movie has made me want to watch all the X-Men movies again and Id like to coax you to go and watch it if you already havent. Enjoy!