I worked in Xansa Inda Ltd now it is called Steria. The management was pathetic and the leadership is horrible. I worked from 2004 to 2006, they asked to me travel to UK for an assignment. Before I went there I asked the management and my POC at UK if there are any kind of bond. They confirmed that there is no bond as the assignment was not a training or knowledge transfer. Since the assignment was over 6 months they sponsored my family as per the policy.
When I came back from UK and put down my papers, they said that you have to pay Rs 90 thousand change for the travel because the time I was in UK they changed the policy that when you come back from UK you have to serve the Co. For 1 year. They have with held my salary and relieving letter.
I tried to contact them many times, finally they send a demand letter of Rs 90 thousand change. When I replied back with an acknowledgement they did not reply to that.
So please review your decision if you think you want to join Steria/Xansa