Well designed site where you can chat about everything, doesnt matter if its related to bikes or not.
Nothing interesting for bikers people hardly go for long rides. Long rides for people are: Mumbai to Lonawala, Poona to Mulshi hohoho.
Need to improve the quality of contents.
Wonder about the technical qualifications of moderators. Lots of flaming and abusing on the site. Too many duplicate posts. Discussions frequently go off topic. Lots of rumours and crap claims like some 223cc CBZ, CBZ with a Karizma engine. Every time I read the thread cant stop laughing about the ignorance of the moderator who made such claim.
Cool videos anf images but people performed stunts without wearing protective gears and gave silly excuses to avoid wearing them. Disclamer in stunt videos as performed by experts wonder what made them experts.
Thanks to too many images the site loads little bit slowely.
The site is designed very well but I wish the contents quality was as good as the design. This is an perfect example of everything that glitters is not gold.