I have read all the reviews given by people on xbhp.com. I have been a member of the same site for almost 7 months now and I must say that I do agree with a lot of the negative points offered in the reviews written.
However, I am willing to stick my neck out and defend all those negative points, except for the one on the front page of the site being too crammed because that is absolutely dependent on how often you visit the site, which enables you to easily figure out what is where. Anyway, first of all I want to address the comment that there are too many jazzy graphics and too little content.
Look, I want to make one thing very clear for anyone who is interested in even remotely trying to understand what the site is all about. Motorcyclists all over the world (and I am not talking about people who ride 100cc bikes or hanker about fuel economy all the time) are regarded as a separate species, and the reason for that is not too hard to find. Each biker worth his salt will tell you what motorcycling is really about. It cant be described or explained, not even by the most articulate person on the planet.
It can only be felt and experienced, and only on a motorcycle worthy of providing such a feeling. I may be sounding too complicated, but there is really no better alternative to this. Only a true blue biker can understand the underlying feeling of being at one with his machine. And bikers ARE very emotional people. Emotional about their machines and their own abilities aboard those machines (whether this is right or wrong is irrelevant since I am only making facts known). No true biker will back out of a competition or challenge, no matter how insane it might be(I again repeat the previous sentence in brackets). And that really is the key to xbhp.com. Bikers get together to discuss their problems, views and ideas. Anyone who says that the site doesnt have REAL content hasnt bothered to explore the site. And please make it a point to note that technically speaking xbhp.com is a FORUM, NOT A SITE. Its a place for people to present their views.
All topics of discussion are archived, if only you have the inclination to look for them. And the topics of discussion range from the mundane to the really technical ones. There is a tirade of information available on how to modify bikes(yes, it is important to lots of people to improve their bikes!), from cosmetic mods to ones that actually have a bearing on the overall dynamic ability of the biike. And trust me, these articles have been written by people who actually know what they are talking about, and not by some nincompoop trying to brag his way to glory.
As far as there being excessive rude talk on the site, I think I have already explained who bikers are (love them or hate them, its upto you), so it is quite obvious that tempers often do run high (although I must say that this particular point has really been exaggerated and blown out of proportion by someone who maybe visited the site only for a short duration of time).
As I said, I have been a member of xbhp for 7 months, and the only times I have seen an argument brew is when the topic of discussion veers around towards a comparison of motorcycles belonging to the power-segment, consisting of the Pulsar 180/180 Dts-i and the Hero Honda Karizma. But really, this is to be expected since anyone who has bought such bikes wants to feel that they have the best bike in the country, and will go to great lengths to prove it (again I say that the method chosen is irrelevant; after all this is not an international corporation that requires everyone to be politically correct. A forum is where you speak your mind.). The fact remains that if you are a biker at heart, you WILL understand what xbhp.com is all about. If not, Im sorry but you can never understand THIS way of life.
A special mention for a particular reviews author: If u are a female, as u claim to be, what were u doing on xbhp? Thats not to say that the fairer sex isnt allowed there or that xBhpians despise their presence, but its not usual for girls to waft around on a bike site. Secondly, if u were genuinely intereseted in browing the site for pure bike based interests, I guess you didnt do it, for reasons that have already been discussed in the comments section for your review.
So it really doesnt make any sense for you to create such a brouhua about the ethics or grey matter of the moderators (webmasters as u call them). And thirdly, dont bother to talk utter nonsense about people u have no idea about (yes the webmaster and his allies), because to people who know, it doesnt matter, and those who dont, dont matter.