Hi there vaibhav here, today I am giving my review on famous apps and documents sharing app XENDER . I am giving my review by my personal experience I am using this app from many years . its concepts is very good if you want to send any apps or docoments, images, songs, videos, pdf files, movies, etc. so no need to find documents and send by blootooth .you can send any items by xender . just downlaod this app from playstore and its starts easily .open this app select option send or receive .if you want to send so select send and oposite device will select recevie both of your devices will connect easily then it wil shows your all documents and you can select as you want just click on item and share it. in few seconds your file will succesfully shared . so you can share and receive anything even movies also, movies can be share in just few minuts .you can delete direct from xender if you dont want anyitems. so this app is very good only some times little problem occurs like transection get error or it takes toomuch time for finding oposite device . all over I suggest to take this app its service is very good thank you.