I have used the mi4i for more than nearly about 9 months. And using this phone is like , you cant play games like nova 3 pleasently or asphalt 8 and even the traffic rider has the bad lagging effect before you have used it not more than a month or so. No debates regarding the display quality.
The display is the best ever I have came across. But I dont know why, even after being an octa-core processor and 2 GB ram, the mi4is performance is not as expected and donot likely to stand for a 13k phone. Sometimes the phone could not even hande low graphics games and applications. Xiaomi should look into this matter, because tge latest phone redmi note3 being a 12k phone, the specs are far more better than this 13k phone.
Even with the price drop on this model, it could not got itself sustained in the market. People who baught this phone would surely got these issues that I have mentioned. Moreover this phone couldnt even run the inbuilt apps smoothly like google, facebook and the inbuilt settings option menu too have a bad anoying lagginess in it.
I would nt recommend this phone to any one becaus its not value for money. I would recommend redmi note 3 or le tv rather. But then to, the phone has a good quality inbuilt speakers. Superb camera quality and HD vedio recordings. But above all, being a music person I liked the microphones recording quality in the phone
I do liked the sound recording function in the phone. Its noice cancellation is just more than enough being a phone mic. The mic captures the bass heavy low ends and crispier high ends very pleasently. I would recommend this phone only for its mic! People who does music, music production and stuff, can record the sample music on the go. By installing an external app for HD sound recording, the mic even captures more depth. Overall this phone is not worth buying at present, because well have far more better phone than this one. Its not a value for money product. And I think it comes uder one of the less sold product by the xiaomi. People have baught the phone eagerly when the flash sales were there, but they are noy satisfied by the phones performance and other issues.
Rather people would have waited for sometime and have baught the redmi note 3 instead.
Xiaomi should look into it and boost this phones efficiency.
Thank for reading my review.
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