Xiaomi is an ambitious company. Having convincingly made its mark in China, it has now decided to make its presence felt outside the home turf.
In India, it entered last year and since then with a mix of clever marketing strategy and aggressive pricing has become a dominant phone company. In fact, India is a hot market for Xiaomi, similar to the one in China. This has prompted the company to double down on its India focus. The Mi 4i, which the company launched last week, is manifestation of this strategy.
Xiaomi says it has taken a lot of inspiration from India and its culture to make the Mi 4i. Clearly, the company is out to win hearts and of course huge profits; but more than anything it is sending out a message, thatwe have arrived in India.
The Mi 4is hardware is very interesting. At a price of just Rs.12, 999, the Mi 4i looks quite a steal.
We know that the Mi 4i will go on sale at 2PM today, in less than an hour from now. Over three lakh people have registered for this sale and if you are one of them, here is our recommendation: Go click that BUY button. It is worth its price and is one of the best phones in its price range.
No, it is not perfect. It has issues and we will detail them in this review but if you want to know whether you should buy it in the flash sale today or not, our recommendation is buy it.