Ive bought this phone a week ago, for 1500. So far im satisfied, battery seem great - it holds 2 days average use ( Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, taking and editing pics etc.) , camera is awesome even in low light conditions it doesnt seem to take bad pictures, portrait mode is amazing and built in photo editor have great features. The flashlight is kinda strong. I like the fact that it has stock android so it doesnt have unnecessary built in apps, only the basics, so you can optimise it as you wish. No lags, no bugs so far. The sound from its speaker is good, the fingerprint works fast and smooth ( and the option to use it as scroll for the top screen menu) , the IR blaster works great on my TV even from 5 meters distance. Gyro is fine no flows there. So far im very satisfied, nice smoot, fast and long lasting battery phone with great screen and resolution. I think in near future xiaomi will become brand such as huawei, remember the beginnings of huawei? Most of the people were like another chinese cheap bullshit but it became sinonim for quality and great phones