Xiaomi company has launch very good product Xiaomi Mi A1. Xiaomi redmi A1 was very nice product and this product provided All features in it. its camera was very good it provide duel camera and blur system also in rare camera and its body material was also good but there screen was normal. Its ram and internal storage was excellent and it was not any types of hanging problem in it. But 14999 was high cost for this mobile. if you can afford up to 14999 then that mobile is okay. there is no gaming problem in it. you can play a heavy games in it. it does not have any heating problem. This is nice product ever. But Xiaomi company has launched redmi note 5 I think its price was 14999 and it is higher than Mi A1, so I want to say that mi a1 was a good product, but it was a good idea to take a redmi note 5 in this range