Xiaomi Mi A1 is one of the best mobile in the market.
Compared with other mobiles it has more features like dual camera 12+12 MP and front camera 5MP.In back camera1 is normal camera but camera2 is a blur camera.
These cameras allows users to take high quality photos and look like professional photos same as DSLR photos.
This phone is same as iphone 7 Snapdragon and price also within the budget.
Xiaomi gives best mobile in lower budget. Fingerprint sensor is too faster.
Im using this mobile for past 4 months and I feel its the best product from Xiaomi and gives good battery backup which is enough for normal users for one day.
Mobile screen 5.5 inch full HD which covered by Gorilla glass 3 and body of mobile has the metal so its really amazing.
Sound systems are good as the clarity is surprising even at high pitch.
If you buy this definitely it will give better value for your money.