Built quality is great but plastic feels cheap however there is rich choice of colors. It tends to heat up excessively when under loud. The screen is solid with 7.9 1536×2048 ips lcd of 324ppi gorilla glass 3 with great contrast and overall excellent indoors. The battery life is good( 6700mAH) . Connectivity option are varied, but there is no 3G version, the speakers are loud and clear. The miui imterface for tablets takes after apple ios even more than the phone version. Its based on the lateat amdriod KITkat4.4.4but its far from the laltest miui version ; it offers rich customization option but not that many propreity features as other manufacture. The tablet is fast ( quad-core 2.2Ghz cortex-A15 processor) and responsive with only the occasional glitch performance. The audio quality is good; especially with external amplifier. Videoplayer supports every audioand video codec except wmv. The camera is very good for a Tablet( 8MP Back and 5MP front camera) .