I have to say, the tablet looks really great. I have tried many hardcore games on this, they all worked perfectly even at maximum settings. Although the tablet heated up on the upper sides.
Now after using it for a few days:
Ultimate gaming experience: throw any game at it, it would handle it.
Beautiful Screen: Nothing beats it.
Hardware Specs: Unmatchable at this price
Good Battery life: Would last 1.5 - 2 days in normal usage.
Back is really really slippery, You have to be really careful with the tablet.
MIUI: It is a disaster, of all I heard about the MIUI. The software on this tablet is a joke. I have had better experience with my 3 years old HTC Explorer(ran android gingerbread).
Heating Problem: Heats up a lot when playing hardcore games.
Apps do not move to external SD Card: If you are patient then its better to wait for 64 gig version.