1Redmi 3s Plus is a low Budget Smartphone.
2Good Features Smartphone.
3Design: Premium Design and feel Expensive when hod in Hand.
4Camera: It has got 13 Megapixel Rear Camera and 5 megapixel fron Camera which Perform Better in Low Light as Compared with cameras of other.
5Fingerprint Sensor very good
smartphones in this price range.
Performance: It has Got Snapdragon 430 Processor which is Octacore and is First Device to house this Processor, which Provides Really smooth Performance.
Touch Response: Its Touch is very Good
RAM: It has just got 2 GB RAM which is really very
Xiaomi. You Can Use your device as a remote Control Of any Other Electronic items Such as TV, AC, etc. Touch Response: Its Touch is very Good and Responsive
much less as compared to Applications Now a Days
Speaker Location: Its Speaker is of Good Quality bit its Location Just Halves its Quality as its located at the Lower Back Of the Smartphone which Depress the Voice.
Screen Security: It has not Got and Gorilla Glass or Dragontrail Glass which means that its Screen id Fragile.