I think this phone is best under 9000.
This phone have a great battery life performance
The 4100 Mah battery is best performance.
This phone have 3 GB and quad core processer that is best for gaming. The gaming experience awesome. This phone is for Hi & Fi gaming player.
The camera quality is Minimum. Not so good Not so bad !
But batter than this is Xiomi Redmi note 3 this also u can buy on amazon . The link in Last of Review
3S have better design & Stylish. Front camera is good for selfie.
Redmi 3s buy & Redmi not 3 buy link: - copy this link from https to dfo9 https: // http://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B01C2T6I6G/ref= as_ li_ tl? ie= UTF8& tag= 86040a-21& camp= 3638& creative= 24630& linkCode= as2& creativeASIN= BO1C2T6I6G& linkId= 5310fa1c70ce8dec8072cc348f75df09.
So U can buy this.