I got this phone 10 days before, my experience of using this phone is not so good, I am really upset with this phone, I will tell what types of problem I had with Redmi 3s Prime ( 32 GB) .
Sound Reception is not so good there are some lags while playing music on speaker.
If you use this device on 4G for Continuously, battery will drain after 4-5 hours, as it have 4100 mah battery atleast it should run for 8-9 hours.
Camera is also not so good rear camera have some lags, sometimes it doesnt snap photo in original it changes the colour and picture doesnt look good.
Design is quite good.
Fingerprint Senser doesnt work well sometime fingerprint Senser doesnt detect the finger.
If you are a gamer then you will have some issue: ( i) I play GTA San Andreas on Redmi 3s the phone strucks and I faced some lags . ( ii) While playing heavy games the phone get heated very much even you cant handle phone for a long time.
Overall Experience was not so good. This phone is below my expectations from Mi.