Redmi 3s
My personal best smart phone for this price range.
Great features just in such low price
Features: -
Great 3D quality sound
Very nice front and rear camera, also works really nice in low light
Battery back is very nice, simple general use can give u about 2 days back up
Screen respone is quite clear and very responsive
Not much laggs
Design is awesome, full metal body gives it a premium look
Charging time is about 2.5 to 3 hours
Good gaming experience, the dives does not lagges when playing an averge graphics game
New updated Os MIUI8 has included lots of new features among which one of the most intresting feature is dual app which allows u to use two different account on of the same app like whatsapp or face book.
In my opinion its best phone in this price range
And dont worry about its durability
They company is nice and phone is also very durable
I have bought 2 redmi 3s,
And I m quite happy