Sound reception - sound reception on this phone is not that great as all xiaomi phone has problems with its internal as well as external speaker .sound ia not that great on this phones.
Ease of use- this phone comes with its UI and that is MIUI and its is very heavy skin on its Google software. Most of the time it looks like they had copied this from some other crators like asus, Lenovo, and other chines phones.
Style & design - this phone looks quite smilar like other xiami phone and some what like they had copied from Apple.
Range & features - nothing much features in this phone, it has basic features like 4G VolTE, dual hybrid simslot, front & rear camera with HD video recording, etc
Durablity - this phones are not that durables as this phone is completely Madeup of cheap quality plastic. So dont expect much.
I dont like this phone much you can go for some good phone instead of this.