It really good at such a low prise I conseder this as best budget phone with enef configuration
It has a great LOOK. It look stylish and fantastic
In dark grayish colour I dont think we can find
a better mobile at tha cost of 6000 rs . Snapdragon at this price with such feauters are wondraful . it comfertable to handle in hand .
The sound effects not up to tha mark. the volume
not up to expected it is the only drawback tobtha mobile . And one more thing is the storage is
sufficent for general users when it come to tha continous user it will be tha qustion mark at any Qcost we can add some more it not a problem
and also feature are awesome 2gb ram at tha cost of 6000 is more than enef for normal and newly started smart phone users one more thing is camera was just fentastic 13mp back camera 5mp front camera is more than sufficent for snapshot.
the software used in mobile is up to the mark .it also have duel sim facility .the battry backup is fantastic it work up to 4 hours where tha common people can fulfill their needs. an impressive battry and quad core proccers speed will reflect the standerd of tha mobile .one more thing to note done is tha front camera it support to take a perfect selfi. no need to menction about tha back camera 5hd display will give perfect picture of tha
content a low weight of 131gm and slim stylish smart mobile will defenatly entertine you with its features . seamless polycarbonated body will be the special attraction for it. It is also tha weightless in tha red mi serice up to now. We can also use tha
dual app like facebook watsapp etc. it will be tha most entertining mobile gadjet at low cost. . .
A review by. Gopi kommineni