If you are going to buy this product ya phone go ahead but dont buy 7000 variety try to buy 6000 or that phone which are being sell in 5000 for first 5 million user so go ahead and buy that phone but I am again saying that dont buy 7000 varient phone beacuse the spacification is mi giving in 7000 varient there us mi phone which is mi4 is better specifications then that phone if you are searching a normal usases phone than buy 5000 varient phone in his specifiaction while processer or screen or design in everything it is stacifatrty with their price but dont buy 7000 actually it replacing their 4A smart phone with this phone buy playing a good monopoly in customer mind so money is yours choice is your I have give a over view of the phone so go haed and buy the phone but in my opinion dont buy the 7000 vairent phone or smart phone that is not valuable