Xiomi Redmi Note 4 is indias No.1 because it is most selling phone in india. Me and my four friend use this phone from one and half year.
So My Review about this phone is Display: - Display size is 5.5 inch and display type is IPS LCD because of this type of display
Vedio is looking preety good and resolution is 1080×1920 pixel. So dispay quality is better
Camera: - Xiaomi gives always great camera quality for there user the rear camera is 13mp with led flash I will show some picture click on mi note 4. If you love clicking pictures then mi A1 is great phone for camera quality front camera of note 4 is 5mp which is also good.
Sound quality is soft and loud
Style and design is awesome these smartphone come with three colours grey, black and gold
It is look like mi note 3 It is user friendly smartphone for every user.
Other feature: - Back side fingerprint sensor
Mi remote
Prize of note 4 is 11000 3gb. 13000 4g and 10000 2gb