Xiaomi redmi note 4 G comes with very good specifications like 5.5 inch screen, 13 megapixel back camera and 5 megapixel front camera. It has the battery capacity of 4100 MH battery which is one of the best that you can get in the market till now and easily lasts for 2 days of moderate use. It is available in 3 variants. One is off 2GB RAM variant and 3GB Ram variant and 4 GB RAM variant. The cost of 2 GB RAM variant is 9000. The cost of 3GB Ram variant is 11000 and the cost of 4 GB RAM variant is 13000. You can buy online in Flippant. Talking about the product it is best mobile that you can get in around 11000 in the market with huge battery backup, good camera quality and easy to multitask which is loaded with 4 G. You dont get earphones in it but all together this is one of the budget friendly phone that you can buy in the market and it is the value for money product.