Hello guys this is Stephen. Click to read.
Xiaomi redmi note 5 pro usually called as mi note 5 pro is low in price with good specifications. I have used it in the past and the best thing in this phone is design. Looks like a big price phone but a low price phone. And internal storage, RAM all are awesome. And it has good camera too. Screen resolution is awesome and large display. It actually looks like one plus 6 except the notch on the top. So guys itll be the good phone if you want a good phone in low priceGOOD LUCK and you can buy without any doubt.And also THANK YOU for reading the whole reviewAND viewers sorry readers dont forget to like, comment, share and subscribe Ohh sorry in mouthshut subscribe means follow yaarThank you and have a blastByeeeeeeeeeLets meet in nest reviewLike comment follow.